Pharmacogenomics Testing Midland TXHave you ever really thought about why you are the way you are? Have you thought about what makes everyone different? Honestly, if everyone got to take their DNA strands and look up their genetic makeup, would we all have a better understanding of how we function? Probably so. Pharmacogenomics testing doesn’t solve all of the problems in the world but it’s a great start. At Pharmacogenetic Testing, we are a state of the art testing lab that is on the forefront of pharmacogenomics. If you are interested in drug gene testing for your patients in the clinic or hospitals in Midland, TX, it’s time you paired up with us.

What is Pharmacogenomics?

Pharmacogenomics, also known as pharmacogenetics testing, is a screening that allows physicians to determine a patient’s genetic makeup and then determine what type of effect it will have on a specific medication. It is essentially performing drug gene testing to eradicate the idea of trial and error medications. Can you imagine all of the adverse drug events that you could avoid? On the flip side, you could tell someone with 100% confidence and accuracy that a particular drug will work for them. Through this type of drug gene testing, people will get answers and essentially produce positive results.

Money Saving Testing Lab

Our state of the art testing lab provides timely and accurate results. While some may argue that genetic testing can bring a hefty bill, imagine the money patient’s save in the long run. Countless drugs that don’t work for them will be no longer. Paying for ADEs and experimental drugs will be a thing of the past. With our testing lab, results are detailed, efficient, and accurate so that you can properly treat your patient, the first time around! Additionally, this is a one and done test for a patient. When you think about it, a person’s genetic makeup never changes so why would the results? Ultimately, knowing how a person will react before you prescribe a drug is the safest way to write a script. So, why wouldn’t you air on the safe side of caution?

Your body is amazing. The DNA strands within your body hold so much evidence as to who you are, how you are formed, and how you will react to certain drugs and medications. To find out if your medication is available for drug gene testing, or to learn more about pharmacogenomics in Midland, TX, call Pharmacogenetic Testing today at (833) 749-5227.