Laboratory Testing Services

Pharmacogenomics Testing

We provide clinics and hospitals with drug-gene testing in our laboratory, otherwise known as pharmacogenomics (PGX) or pharmacogenetics. Drug-gene testing allows physicians to more fully understand their patients by making relevant and accurate information available…
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Toxicology Testing

Our laboratory provides toxicology testing for anyone needing our services. Clinics, private practices, and medical research labs use our state-of-the-art testing services for hair, blood, urine, or oral samples so that they can have accurate and comprehensive results…
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Molecular Panels

We provide hospitals and clinics with the most accurate laboratory molecular panels so that patients can be diagnosed quickly and reliably. We have three panels that test for a combined 69 targets, and all of our panels are ready within about an hour…
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Polypharmacy Profiles

The Bennett Polypharmacy Profile (BPP) was created to successfully identify and determine drug interactions, thereby reducing the number of Adverse Drug Events (ADE). Our laboratory administers the BPP so that clinics and hospitals have the best tools at hand when prescribing controlled substances…
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