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Tag: Houston TX

Houston Molecular Testing

Houston Molecular TestingYour patient comes in via EMS, and they look terrible. They are diaphoretic, their blood pressure is dangerous, and their CBC is like nothing you’ve ever seen. All of a sudden, they are crashing and you can’t determine the cause. So, you do what you are trained to do. You stabilize the patient’s vital signs, you use broad spectrum antibiotics, and you keep them alive, if only temporarily. You have done everything in your power to treat this patient. Now, it’s time that we do ours. At Pharmacogenetic Testing., we understand that you work hard to treat your patients. We know that your goal is their health and wellness. This is why we offer molecular panels for hospitals, clinics, and other providers in the Houston, TX area.

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Drug Testing Houston TX

Pre-employment Drug TestingDo you ever really know a person? Someone that looks completely together could potentially be falling apart at the seams, and would you be able to tell? Being an equal opportunity employer means that you are looking for the best person for the job, no matter what their personal circumstance. However, if personal situations, like drug abuse, happen to interfere with work, it’s vital that you catch the problem before it ever becomes an issue! Pre-employment drug screenings are the easiest way to prevent those problems from ever occuring at your place of work. If you are looking for toxicology testing in Houston, TX, look no further than Pharmacogenetic Testing.

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Tests Offered Include

  • Urine Toxicology Confirmation Testing
  • PGX Comprehensive Panel
  • Molecular PCR Upper Respiratory
  • Molecular PCR Gastrointestinal Panel
  • Toxicology
  • Pharmacogenetics