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Tag: prevent adverse effects

Pharmacogenomics Testing Midland TX

Pharmacogenomics Testing Midland TXHave you ever really thought about why you are the way you are? Have you thought about what makes everyone different? Honestly, if everyone got to take their DNA strands and look up their genetic makeup, would we all have a better understanding of how we function? Probably so. Pharmacogenomics testing doesn’t solve all of the problems in the world but it’s a great start. At Pharmacogenetic Testing, we are a state of the art testing lab that is on the forefront of pharmacogenomics. If you are interested in drug gene testing for your patients in the clinic or hospitals in Midland, TX, it’s time you paired up with us.

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Tests Offered Include

  • Urine Toxicology Confirmation Testing
  • PGX Comprehensive Panel
  • Molecular PCR Upper Respiratory
  • Molecular PCR Gastrointestinal Panel
  • Toxicology
  • Pharmacogenetics